A development company plans to build an inland marina and RV site on a large stretch of land near Jackfish Lake in the Rural Municipality of Meota.
Council approved an application from Kadon Industries Ltd. for the project, called “RV & Marina Estates at Jackfish Lake,” at its recent meeting in December.
The site would see 190 titled lots for recreational vehicles and/or tiny homes, and 194 marina titled slips, developed northwest of Meota. There will also be a commercial area, with a convenience store and recreational courts.
Kadon Industries will be partnering with JTEK Developments Ltd. on the project.
There is no cost to the RM for the development. All the servicing and other costs will be paid for by the developer.
“This is probably the single biggest lakeshore development that this municipality has ever entertained,” Reeve Sherry Jimmy told battlefordsNOW. “We have attempted to do our due diligence in terms of the approval process, and the mitigation measures around it.”
At the latest council meeting, several people spoke out against the proposed development. Among their concerns was traffic in the area. They were also worried about the impact on the lake from the dredging required to create the marina. Boat safety on the lake was also an issue.
On the road traffic and safety issue, the developer completed a traffic impact assessment and worked with the Ministry of Highways to determine the access safety and road upgrades that would be needed.

Jimmy said people had questions about the environmental impact, as well as the footprint of the lake and how that will impact it now and in the future.
“There has been a lot of work done to look at the concerns of both the ratepayers and those who live in the area adjacent, and to look at how those concerns could be mitigated,” she said.
She noted that likely the biggest component of the concerns had to do with the lake itself.
The RM and the neighbouring municipalities partnered on a 12-month lake study that was released in September of 2021. The study was designed to help both the RM council and other councils around the lake dealing with developments of a significant nature.
The developer was provided with the lake study report that outlined mitigation measure requirements for any large developments.
“It had to do with the lake and the lakeshore, the wetlands, the birds, the vegetation – things of that nature, in addition to water-quality measures,” Jimmy said. “The developer looked at that report and came back, and I believe presented at the meeting their mitigation measures to address those areas that were pointed out through the lake study that should be of concern to any municipality considering a major development.”
Jimmy said some people had expressed concerns the project seems rushed. But she noted in 2014 Kadon first purchased the land from the RM, with plans to come back in a few years with some type of development proposal.
She said a great deal of work has taken place in the process since then, including public engagement.
A public meeting was held in August of 2019 related to rezoning the land to accommodate the development. Jimmy noted the meeting had a strong showing of people in attendance.
A total of 87 written submissions from the public have been received on the development proposal, with most opposed.
“We have made every effort to listen, and to put in place mitigation efforts to address many of the concerns people have. But we realize we are not going to be able to address everyone’s concerns,” Jimmy said of the proposal. “Nor do we feel that the 87 submissions represent the majority of the people in the area. There are people that maybe don’t speak up that maybe are in favour of this, and are anxious to purchase a lot in this development.”
She added the development is a positive step for the RM.
“This is an exciting opportunity for this municipality,” Jimmy said. “We look forward to working with the developer on bringing this to fruition. We are a very busy and diverse municipality, with this type of lakeshore development, with the oil sector and with our ag sector, and we continue to move forward. It’s obvious that change is imminent.”
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