The provincial election is just a few weeks away, and the Battlefords NDP candidate Tom Kroczynski appears optimistic about the upcoming battle.
“I’m feeling happy. It’s exciting to meet all the people that live in this community. It really is a real treat, and I’m looking forward to meeting even more folks,” Kroczynski said.
Kroczynski has been a teacher in the Battlefords for 21 years. Given the nature of his job, he understands empathy is the key to being accepted by people.
“Every day, when dealing with children and other adults in the building, we’re constantly dealing with people’s emotions and stress, and we are constantly working to make sure that everybody’s needs are met,” he said.
Kroczynski was acclaimed at the NDP nomination meeting held at the Chapel Gallery last year on Nov. 24.
He noted that when he first started as a teacher, his only motivation was to support his family; however, as he encountered more students and saw his effort could have a positive impact on them, he started to realize his role was more than just a job.
“I can see the difference that makes in the kids’ lives beyond school to be playing soccer and to be playing musical instruments and how that ripples through their lives and even well past their graduation,” he said.
He recalled having a somewhat troubled student whom he described as an “angry young guy.” However, almost 15 years later, when he ran into him again, he saw a completely changed man with a happy family, and the “angry young guy” believed Kroczynski patience influenced him.
“He remembers me being very patient with him and very giving, and it’s funny. Like, you helped lots of kids throughout the year and throughout your career. I just did what was necessary in the situation, but that he remembered it being something special made me feel good,” Kroczynski said.
“We’re planting acorns as educators, but we don’t get to stick around to see the tree grow most of the time.”
Kroczynski believes that, as an educator, he would understand what people need just as he can see what his students need. He hopes that if elected, he can stick with his principles, positively impact the people in the Battlefords, and provide them with change.
“We support one another, help each other through tough times, and celebrate our successes. We’ve great leaders in our schools, and I see the same sort of things with the NDP,” he said.
The official election date has not yet been set but the writ is expected to be dropped by Oct. 2. Other confirmed candidates from the Battlefords area include Jeremy Cockrill of the Saskatchewan Party.